
I will be celebrating my birthday in a matter of days (by the time I published this I probably already did!).  I thought I should do something this year that I haven’t done before.  It was then that I decided to finally give one of my hobbies a decent journaling and came up with the idea of blogging.  I figured why not?  I enjoy writing, too, in as much as I enjoy cooking.

So, came “Dish is my Life”.  It’s actually about dishes I like, I’ve tried, or I’ve learned to love.  It’s about how I came to discover the dish and how it makes a difference even in my so ordinary almost boring life.  I’m not a professional chef or cook, I simply enjoy cooking.

I’m a still trying to learn more and hope to get even better.

Cooking can really be fun and surprisingly very personal.

It’s not just about pots and pans and definitely not confined in the kitchen.

It’s not just about the cook and the dishes, the whole experience really matters.

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